At you will have the most effective, most extensive and customer-friendliest overnight accomodation data base on the internet. In a few seconds you 'll get your desired search result. Interactive maps show you the way in 25.000 towns and places from 35 countries. Extensive Detail requests allow you to find your Host very quickly. In line with our commitment to offer you an international hotel guide, accomodations will be shown in different languages. has many years of experience and excellent know-how in the field of Internet presentation of our cutomers.
The free encyclopedia on the internet
The biggest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on the Internet. Over 7 million articles in over 200 languages, and still growing.
Our website has been among the most important German websites for years.
Middle class program 2004 GmbH- Main winner middle class program 2004
Prof. Dr. h.c. Lothar Späth:
"Rescession starts in the heads and there we have to change it"
Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik:
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It is a shining example for steady and healthy housekeeping"
Stiftung Warentest ( Goods testing association in Germany)
STIFTUNG WARENTEST, the german magazine for quality asurance, has arranged a Linkllist with the best online travel informations. Under the column "Hotels and Restaurants" you' ll find at the best Travel addresses on the WWW
Norddeutscher Rundfunk (Northern German Broadcasting)
NDR 2 Internet-Tipp
The Nordeutscher Rundfunk(NDR) - an important german broadcasting company, highlighted in its Internet-Tip the fast and easy finding of the desired results. Already at maximal four clicks you can choose out from a clear arrangement of Hotels! Also it is easy to limit your search result. You have only to mark the pictogramms. And as Goodie: You can search as far as possible without the tastature.
Searchengines in the WWW
Thanks to our good placement in the best searchengines worldwide, we are for example at discoverable with over 200.000 linkings
mobile value-added services for all plattforms
Vodafone offers the Location Based Service D2-NightGuide over WAP since the beginning of the year 2004. The mecomo AG ensures with its Contentpartners the complete offer of this service. Contents of the Hotels of will be edited through the mecomo AG for the D2-NightGuide.
MECOMO - managing mobility.
Portal for gastronomy, hotels and catering is mentioned in the hogapage article "Hotel booking portals: pros and cons for hoteliers"
May I congratulate you on your wonderful web-site?
For the past 10 years or more my wife and I have taken nearly all of our annual holidays by touring Deutschland by bicycle. Our preference has always been to maintain flexibility and to book accommodation no more than one day ahead.
Initially we used the accommodation lists provided at the back of the Bike-Line Radtouren Buchen published by Esterbauer, but we soon came to realise that there were many, many more places available.
In searching the www I then discovered both the, and the ADFC Bett & Bike sites, and was able to use these to research places which both accommodate our bicycles and provide a hot meal along our expected routes; I now have lists of hotels from Leer to Passau, from Lindau to Stralsund & all areas in between.
Now, however, I find that you have improved the Smartphone & Tablet version so that we can now do our research along the way, and we don't then need to stick to a pre-planned route! This is truly a wonderful improvement!